Saturday, November 05, 2005

Found an online version of my interview with Greenhouse Growers Magazine

It's been a while since I did an ego-surf on Google, so this morning I decided to check in and see if I found anything unexpected. I did.

Some time back I noted that blogging was being explored by even the least tech-oriented business people out there, including greenhouse growers. Their industry magazine conducted an interview with me about blogging and posted many excerpts from it in an article. Now the magazine itself doesn't post their articles online, but apparently a sight called does.

So, if you want to hear what the greenhouse growers heard about blogging from you go.

What's also interesting to me is that I don't think the magazine itself signs up for this service. I asked the magazine if there was an online link to the article available, and they said, 'no.' So this is a site that moves print articles online, giving proper attribution, but without permission.

I presume they make money from the advertising.

Obviously I think this is a great resource. But what do you suppose the magazine publishers think? And is this different from what Google and others plan to do with books etc.? And in the vast majority of cases isn't this giving exposure to ideas and resources that would otherwise never reach people?

What do you think?

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