Sunday, August 30, 2009

Is Time magazine serious?

I'd actually like to think Time Magazine is joking when they name the web sites in this list as the Best of 2009.

Don't get me wrong: It's not like I don't use (and generally love) sites like Google, Flickr, Yelp, Delicious, Twitter, Skype, Open Table, Amazon, Netflix, Wikipedia and more.

But, come on.

1. Am I the only one who see a headline like Best Web Sites of 2009 and hopes to learn about new sites?

2. Am I the only one who see a headline like Best Web Sites of 2009 and hopes to discover amazing new content?

3. Am I the only one who doesn't actually consider some of these to be web sites, but rather web applications or services?

4. Am I the only one who wonders what could be newsworthy about listing sites that are already in the Top 20, 50, even 100 visited sites on the entire Internet?

5. Am I the only one who thinks this would have been better entitled: "Top 50 Sites for People Who Have Been Living in Caves"?

Bah. Humbug.


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