Sunday, May 31, 2009

NYC, here I come

It's Internet Week in NYC, and I'm there. Completely coincidentally, and without much chance to participate!

OK, the one thing I'll be doing is speaking again at MediaBistro Circus. Really looking forward to talking about new media business models. Couldn't be a more urgent topic for the media industry right now, could there?

I'm not so much looking forward to following the Cirque du Soleil!! Yup, MediaBistro has lined up an act from the Cirque to perform for attendees. And due to their performance schedule, they've got to be slotted in right before the closing panel.

Normally, it would be awesome to close out a conference. But somehow, I'm not thinking coming between the Cirque and the cosing reception is the plum spot...can you say hard act to follow and being a barrier between attendees and their cocktails! Good luck to us, that's all I have to say :)

The rest of the week BlogHer's sales team has my time almost completely booked. I'll be out and about presenting our 2009 Women and Social Media Study in some detail.

I'll also try to fit in meeting up with a few folks to catch up, both industry and friends from my former life living in NY.

Thinking catching a Broadway show might not be in my future this week, which is a real shame, considering the Tony Awards are a week from today.

Boy, how my trips to NYC have changed...from the theatre to the Internet. What a long,strange trip it's been!

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