Thursday, May 07, 2009

BlogHer : Cracking the code on bloggers, editorial content and paid content

All day long I have been meaning to come over here and post a link to a post I'm very proud of. Every now and then Lisa, Jory and I collaborate to put a stake in the ground via a post on BlogHer.

With all of the many conversations buzzing about bloggers, the FTC, advertising, editorial, the decline of traditional media and more, we decided to make our position crystal clear. We wanted to revisit how we set up the standards and guidelines by which we run BlogHer and the BlogHer Publishing Network. We wanted to remember why we chose to do things that way. And in doing so, I feel like we reinforced our commitment to those policies.

The post is: The elephant in the room: How BlogHer is cracking the code on editorial content and paid advertising.

And I hope you'll read it...and the ensuing comments.

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E, I'm loving the discussion that this post generated on BlogHer. Lots of opinions; all of them valid!
Some of the things that u mention are very interesting.

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