Monday, February 25, 2008

More bragging on Lisa

My BlogHer partner Lisa Stone is a video star lately.

Tory Johnson, who interviewed Lisa for ABC News, dug it so much she also invited her to create a video for Tory's other venture: Women For Hire TV.

And here is the result:

You can also see some background video of the three of us in action...totally not staged, whatever do you mean? Actually it was kind of funny, we filmed those segments in my office because I bought myself a beauteous Apple display to show off...and we did end up getting some real work done while they filmed. Good thing there's no audio ;)

Lisa does another great job articulating why women are adopting blogging so rapidly, and why they should continue to do so!

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What an awesome interview! Thanks for sharing that. :)
Love it and very glad to see Lisa has finally gotten some stickers on her laptop. In November she had none and it made me sad. heh.
Oh man but knowing you three, the audio would have probably been the best part. ;-)

Great video of all of you.
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