Thursday, September 01, 2005

UPDATE: Apple comes through on Katrina

Well, yesterday I was wondering where Apple was, but today they've got it together:

You can donate via their home page.

But perhaps more significantly, they sent an email to every iTunes customer urging them to donate and providing a link to do so through the iTunes Music Store.

So let's check up on the other companies:

Intel moves up into the Yes! category. As does IBM, Sun,

Motorola has a press release about how they're helping, but not a link so other people can help.

But Microsoft didn't do it.
HP didn't do it.
Oracle didn't do it.
Halliburton didn't do it (and God knows they could use the good PR.)

Really shocks me that HP, which really does try to project the image of a good citizen company was tone-deaf on both the tsunami and this. I'll have to talk to my sis about it!

UPDATE: Sis informs me that HP had an employee donation matching program for the tsnuami and has announced one for Katrina too.

I'd just like to speak up on behalf of my own employer, AOL (and by extension, Time Warner). The second "tab" on is labeled "Relief" and links through to Network for Good. MapQuest has a link to a page about donating, traffic-related news, and other relevant content.

And, Time Warner also has a generous employee-matching donation arrangement as well. All employees should have received an internal memo regarding this -- if you haven't, contact me directly and I'll pass along the information (I don't want to post it publically to avoid getting into trouble).
Thanks Dossy.

And if anyone else out there wants to make sure their fellow employees know about matching programs and other efforts, you can certainly feel free to post it here.

I don't consider this advertising for these companies. I consider it to be spreading the word and making sure our individual donations have as much power as they can!
FWIW, Microsoft, Oracle and HP now have links. Microsoft's is the most prominent with a 407x419 image right in the visual hotspot. Oracle's using a 169x55 image at the bottom-right side of the center column. HP's got a small text link right above their page footer.

This is kinda interesting to "study" how various sites chose to implement this.
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