Friday, September 02, 2005

I can't resist the carping, I just can't

Here's an example of what Technorati might have wanted to get under control before introducing their cool new tool.

See Technorati differentiates itself from Google by offering timeliness. See what people are talking about right now! So they say. But in fact most of my blogs link counts haven't been updated in ages.

I hosted the MedBlogosphere's version of a Carnival this week at Naturally I wanted to track who was linking to it. Naturally I would get a big bump this week.

But when I look on my account page the blog has the same link count it's had for weeks. And when I try to do a URL search, here's the message I've been getting since the beginning of the week:

"Sorry. We couldn't complete your search because we're experiencing a high volume of requests right now. Please try again in a minute or two. We're working hard to make our search results better. Thanks for your patience."


[Disclosure: Their RSS feeds on alerts seem to be working. Then again, how would I know if the alerts were missing anything?]

Point being: Technorati, your core services have been broken for a long time leading to increasingly vocal dissatisfaction and distrust in the blogosphere. I think it's a great feature to add the Blog Finder tool. And perhaps you think someone else was going to beat you to it and you needed first mover advantage. But you've taken a risk.

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