Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Presenting on Blogging for the EBIG Blogging SIG

Turned in my slides yesterday for a presentation I'll be giving to the EBIG Blogging Special Interest Group.

Basically I'll get a full 90 minutes to discuss my credo that blogs are not a revolution unto themselves, but rather a new tool that helps companies improve the economics and efficiency in accomplishing their marketing, PR, customer service and/or project management goals.

One of my positions is that most companies can be convinced to use an efficient, economic and creative tool. Not so many want to use a disruptive, revolutionary technology. By positioning blogs as the former, rather than the latter, blogvangelists can help blogs spread faster into the corporate environment.

I'm pretty satisfied with the presentation, because I've added screen shots of real live companies out there who are using blogs for these creative purposes. Those companies are still way in the minority, but they exist, and provide excellent back-up to my contentions.

So, if you're able to make it to Concord on Tuesday January 4th, come check out my presentation: "Blogging: another tool in the corporate arsenal"

Details here.

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