Tuesday, December 14, 2004

More women than men blog...surprised?

I know I was.

Then again, how would we know when most blogging references in the mainstream media fall more along the lines of this Newsweek article?

Reading this, you picture bloggers as a creepy group of self-absorbed, self-referential and, let's face it, self-reverential techno-geeks who've found the one place on earth where they are kings of the hill. Reading this, you imagine the writer to be the kind of guy who would still think of Bill Gates or Steve Wozniak as geeks above all else...not savvy businessmen, entrepreneurs or philanthropists.

OK, I can certainly understand where the writer may have gleaned some of the dismissive comments in his article. But isn't a journalist's job to dig a little deeper?

And of course, it wouldn't have hurt the guy to find a woman blogger to talk to...you know...since more than half of bloggers are women.

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