Thursday, September 30, 2004

Online Interview with the Queen Bee of Worker Bees is a great clearinghouse resource site. You can learn something about just about everything there, including blogs.

Today they published a rather lengthy interview with me, focusing on my life as a professional blogger, and how that part of my career got jump-started.

Several plugs for Worker Bees clients made it into the final edit.

All in all, this qualifies as good publicity for Worker Bees, and I hope good information for those who are intrigued by the blogging life.

Read the article here. be sure to click to the second part, and to my recommendations on how to land professional blogging gigs.

I just want to say thanks again for the interview, Elisa. The article will be promoted on the front page for about 1.5 weeks, and also included in the newsletter. I'm glad I "met" you. :-)
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