Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Kittens grow up to be cats...which can be let out of the bag for reals

Yes, I can now officially say it ain't just me showing up at SXSW Interactive in Austin TX this March.

In fact BlogHer will be co-producing a set of sessions for SXSW.

Check out the announcement on the BlogHer site for all details, but I will briefly tell you that we're co-producing 4 sessions under the BlogHer umbrella:

1. Public Square or Private Club: Does exclusivity strengthen or dilute?

2. We Got Naked...Now What? (I'm moderating this one.)

3. Meet Judy Jeston: How technology is transforming 21st century teens

4. Respect Your ElderBoggers

Again, check out the BlogHer announcement for more details and our list of moderators and panelists so far.

Hope we'll see you in Austin next March.

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